And here is one of the new Cthulhu Wee Wee Fairees I will be selling at the No Coast Craft-O-Rama this year.
So, here are a few Gnomes I have just made for the upcoming No Coast Craft-O-Rama. I am very happy with how they turned out, and plan to make more to sell at the show. And I will, of course, be bringing tons more Wee Wee Fairees this year.
I'm an artist who is finally getting around to organizing and displaying my artwork on this fancy internet thing. Horror films, cartoons, comic books, Halloween all have a great influence on my work as well as my daily life. Until I worked a few years at Art Instruction Schools (the art correspondence course known for the Tippy the turtle and Cubby the bear "Draw Me" ads in matchbooks) I was pretty unaware of the vast online art community. I am here now to rectify that.