Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fun with foam core!

These are two window displays I created for Big Brain Comics here in Minneapolis back in the early 2000's.  The top one was made to promote the comic Ghost World when the movie of the same name was released. The one below was for a Japanese horror comic called Uzumaki.  Back when Big Brain Comics was first located on 10th Street next to Let It Be Records and across from Schmidt Music, the store front had a nice sizable window which had a great 3 piece removable backdrop.  Over the years, I created many displays for the window, and learned a lot about designing and planning projects like these.  I actually made a scale model of the window stage space when planning the Uzumaki window display, which helped immensely when staging the separate pieces of foam core that made up the giant spiral.  That level of detail was one of the main reasons that display, which was the last one made for the store before it moved to its current location down by the new Guthrie Theater, was the most successful one I made.  It's always very satisfying to look at photos of all the displays and see the progress and improvement made, from one to the next, and actually see a visual record of techniques learned and improved upon.  That said, I doubt I will be sharing photos of the early displays any time soon.  They're still a bit embarrassing to look at...

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